We've all heard that "World Premiere" voice line over and over in our heads after an Xbox show right? The one the team loves to use at pretty much all of its Xbox showcase events. Well, this year, we better get ready to hear plenty of 'Game Pass', jokes Xbox's Aaron Greenberg.
It might not be delivered with that same 'World Premiere' pizazz, but expect to hear plenty of Game Pass talk from all the Xbox presenters in 2022. Greenberg retweeted an E3 montage filled with "Xbox games" quips, joking that this year, we better get used to "Game Pass, Game Pass, Game Pass, Game Pass".
It's not hard to believe that to be honest! Xbox is all-in on Game Pass as we know, and it'd be tough to imagine many 2022 Xbox Showcase reveals not featuring some sort of Game Pass tie-in.
Some of those mentions could even be related to Activision Blizzard, as we recently touched on in our Xbox Showcase predictions. Sure, the deal hasn't gone though just yet, but Game Pass could still get some early Activision additions. Here's hoping!
Remember that we're offering 10% off all Xbox Game Pass subscriptions at the Pure Xbox store throughout June. See the full range here, or stock up below – remember to use code PXBOX10 at checkout to secure your discount!
How much Game Pass are you expecting to see at the showcase? Let us know down below.
Comments 16
It's what I'm here for. i play gamepass so gimme gimme.
I think I may rewatch last years later tonight…be interested to see how many games used to sell gamepass this year have come out or are still coming out this year.
Im still waiting for The Last Night. But that was only shown 4 years ago…probably will be next year I’m sure.
Fantastic. Just what I want to hear.
In all fairness, I don't think they have any exclusives coming out for the rest of the year so yeah.. what else would they honestly do..? I'm not complaining. Gamepass is probably one of (if not the) best deals in entertainment. I pay for it so the more they bring over, the better.
I’m ready for it! I’ll listen to them say gamepass over and over!
More additions to Game Pass is fine by me - they are killing it so far. Last month and this month alone are great in my opinion. Sniper Elite 5 is excellent; Ninja Gaiden Master Collection was a surprising announcement; AC: Origins drops tomorrow; and there will of course be new announcements soon, and more than likely shadow drops. I know people want AAA exclusives released (I do, too), but I’m also fine with high quality indies and AA games. For example, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is one of my most anticipated games of the year. If you give me more games like that I will be satisfied.
@SplooshDmg Y no sportz?
Hope they don’t rattle on about game pass all night and give us no AAA Xbox studio games this year.
That will be a terrible shame as they seem to be doing ok ish so far console sales wise.
Even though have sold well in the UK
It has slowed down and series x are readily available to buy on line and in store.
But I think game pass without big hitters can only carry the sales so far be it console or game pass sales.
I think this means that the 'vast' majority, if not ALL games they show will be on Game Pass. Whether 1st or 3rd party, indie or AAA...
We already have Plague Tale: Requiem, Warhammer: Darktide & Scorn for example to come this year, and I'm sure at leat Forza Motorsport will release too - maybe Avowed too and moved Starfield back a bit more to give it more time and Polishing. The next year is still looking great, whether there is additions and/or delays and Game Pass Always has something 'new' to play every week and every month there are day 1 release games to play so does it matter if they are Xbox or some other Publishers AAA release? Its still saving me money and still giving me 'value'! Its not as if Starfield and Redfall are 'never' coming to Game Pass, its just that its 'delayed' for everyone and its still coming DAY 1 on Game Pass...
@BlackMayge dude some TMNT would be great! Could play co-op with the kids and see if they like it
That’s the thing about Microsoft/Xbox, if they don’t have the first party lineup this year then they’ve still got the money to throw at developers to make up for it. If there are some good multiplat games coming to Game Pass then it’s a no brainer as to which console I’ll be playing them on! Same goes for folks on the fence about which console to buy, because frankly Sony hasn’t got too much going on this year either unless you’re into God of War.
Should I bother watching if I'm just watching for some cool reveals I'm not interested in what is or isn't coming to gamepass
@Would_you_kindly I... What?
Also, who's in for an Xbox Game Pass live stream drinking game?
"Game Pass"
@XxEvilAshxX it's called the Xbox & Bethesda showcase so I'm hoping it's all new Xbox & bethesda first party games & not just a bunch of 3rd party games that they've paid to get on gamepass
@Would_you_kindly But those would ALSO be on Game Pass! Oops I said it again!
I'm gonna be so trashed by the end of that show...
To avoid disappointment you shouldn't, any cool reveals Microsoft shows, it would most likely end up on Gamepass..
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