Update: If you've been eagerly tracking this one, we've got good news! Blade Runner Enhanced Edition is officially out now on Xbox, priced at just £7.99 / $9.99. You can buy it over at the Xbox Store:
- Blade Runner Enhanced Edition (Xbox Store) - £7.99 / $9.99
Original story: As part of next week's stacked selection of new releases, we've got an interesting arrival in the form of Blade Runner Enhanced Edition, which is an upgrade for the 1997 point-and-click classic from Westwood Studios.
Westwood Studios, as you probably know, is the team that created the Command & Conquer series, although this Enhanced Edition has been created by Nightdive Studios, which is currently also working on the System Shock remake.
Blade Runner Enhanced Edition includes all sorts of improvements, such as the reconstruction and upressing of videos, a modern HD display, anisotropic texture filtering, and a whole lot more.
You can check out more details below, and look out for the game on Xbox next Thursday, June 23rd.
Armed with your investigative skills and the tools of the Blade Runner trade, you'll be immersed in a world that lives and breathes around you with breakthrough lighting and visual effects. Your ability to survive will be put to the test in the richest game environment ever created.
Immerse yourself in the dark, gritty world of Los Angeles 2019, where you become both the hunter and the hunted.
Will you be picking up Blade Runner Enhanced Edition on Xbox? Let us know down in the comments.
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Comments 22
I remember playing this on PC when I was a kid. Unlike the LucasArts adventure games at the time I remember you could actually "fail" in this one so I wasn't as keen. Maybe coming back decades later may make a difference.
I had no idea this was happening. I'm actually really excited about this one! Soon I hope they'll release the X-Files point and click game, too!
Damn this brings back memories. I might have to pick this one up. Of course, GamePass would be even better.
Ffs why’s this not on gamepass? Been wanting to play this for ages. Any idea of price?
@Bleachedsmiles No word yet, although the physical version is $34.99 for PS4, PS5 & Nintendo Switch.
Happily pick this up, not waiting for it to go to gamepass, such a great game
Pretty sure this is the one I played on PC back in the day. Enjoyed it.
@Auglicious Please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE! All x-files games.
I played the original around the time of its release and really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it.
I will definitely check this out. I never played it back in the day but the Blade Runner movies are two of my favorites ever so any excuse to go back to that world I will take.
From my understanding, this was a huge undertaking, so I am excited to see it's finally getting released.
Holy crap, yes!!!!
@FraserG I'm hoping with it not having a price on Xbox that means they will not show the price cause it's a game pass day one game like they did with tunic
Yes, have good memories of this game. It was the 1st game I bought, after buying my 1st pc in the late 90's.
I'll be buying this for sure!
Not a massive Sci fi fan, but love the look, feel, atmosphere of the blade runner world in the films and game.
Still got this in big box format for PC. Don't even own a PC now but still have this
It would be cool if NightDive updated the Terminal Reality horror games like Nocturne and the Blair Witch titles, though I imagine the latter might be difficult due to licensing... But if they were able to renew the license for Blade Runner, maybe Blair Witch won't be such an issue.
@FraserG can’t really argue with this £7.99 price… all the better if you’ve had some free credit lately.
Funny how I never even knew this game existed in the past, I guess it was a part of that whole PC gaming era that was before my time. Like I was playing games back then, but on my PS1 and N64 lol.
@Bleachedsmiles $10 on the marketplace, this is a no-brainer for me!
I can’t find this in the UK store in the store app on Xbox. Like the recent turtles release it doesn’t come up when searched for. I only found that because it was on a recently released on game pass tile in the dashboard. I’ve tried closing and re-opening the store and restarting the console. Can anyone suggest anything to fix it?
I've been watching this one as I love the movies, I can't believe that it's only £7.99. Even if it's not really my type of game I have to take a punt at that price.
@Bruvas that’s a good tip. Thanks. I wonder why so many games can’t be found in the actual UK store app on Xbox. 😞
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