This week's Xbox sales are now live, and we've got a massive number of backwards compatible games to take advantage of as part of the selection, spanning Deals With Gold, multiple Publisher Sales and a whole lot more.
So, if you're looking to pick up a classic Xbox or Xbox 360 game to play on your modern console this week, take a look at the exhaustive list below. Some of the best games in Xbox history are included here, and they're heavily discounted!
Note: Some of the deals below might only be available to buy via the old Xbox 360 Marketplace, and not the modern Xbox Store. The links in the table will (where applicable) take you to that older version of the marketplace.
The majority of these deals are expected to expire on March 28th.
Content Title | Content Type | Sale | Discount |
Age of Booty | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Asura’s Wrath | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
BioShock | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 60% |
BioShock 2 | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 60% |
BioShock Infinite | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 70% |
Bully Scholarship Edition | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 60% |
Capcom Arcade Cabinet All-In-One Pack | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Castlevania Harmony of Despair | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 67% |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 67% |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 75% |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 75% |
Castlevania: SOTN | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 50% |
Dark Void | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Duke Nukem Forever | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 70% |
FINAL FANTASY XIII | Xbox 360 | Square Enix Pub Sale | 50% |
FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 | Xbox 360 | Square Enix Pub Sale | 50% |
Flock! | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Juju | Xbox 360 | Family Time Sale | 75% |
LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII | Xbox 360 | Square Enix Pub Sale | 50% |
Lost Planet 2 | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Lost Planet 3 | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Mafia II | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 75% |
Manhunt | Xbox | Deals With Gold | 40% |
Max Payne | Xbox | Deals With Gold | 40% |
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne | Xbox | Deals With Gold | 40% |
Max Payne 3 | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 55% |
MEGA MAN 10 | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
MEGA MAN 9 | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 75% |
Minerva’s Den | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 50% |
Misadventures PB Winterbottom | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
Prey | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
Rayman 3 HD | Xbox 360 | Family Time Sale | 50% |
Rayman Legends | Xbox 360 | Family Time Sale | 70% |
Red Dead Revolver | Xbox | Deals With Gold | 40% |
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Rock of Ages | Xbox 360 | Family Time Sale | 70% |
Rockstar Table Tennis | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 60% |
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 75% |
Silent Hill: HD Collection | Xbox 360 | Publisher Spotlight Series Sale | 75% |
Spec Ops The Line | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
SpongeBob SquarePants Underpants Slam! | Xbox 360 | Family Time Sale | 75% |
SpongeBob: Truth-Sq. | Xbox 360 | Family Time Sale | 55% |
Street Fighter IV | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition | Xbox 360 | CAPCOM Publisher Sale | 80% |
The Darkness | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
The Darkness II | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 50% |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell | Xbox | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory | Xbox | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent (OG Xbox) | Xbox | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox 360) | Xbox 360 | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow | Xbox | Tom Clancy Franchise Sale | 60% |
XCOM Enemy Within | Xbox 360 | Deals With Gold | 80% |
Will you be grabbing any of these Xbox 360 classics this week? Let us know below.
Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.
Comments 5
Any suggestions? I do have Gamepass Ultimate so I don't plan on buying anything that's available on that service. I'm looking at Manhunt over everything else possibly..
@Qphlat27 I’ve only played a bit of Manhunt but I did enjoy what I played, but Prey and Spec Ops the Line are absolute steals at those prices and I can recommend either enough.
When will they offer discounted Operation Raccoon City (the 360 game)? It's backwards compatible and has FPS Boost. I've never played it, I know it's not great but still... for my RE collection.
@Qphlat27 Prey. That game is special.
@Qphlat27 I loved both Manhunt games, if you are into stealth games and you are ok with gore than these games are for you.
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