Halo Infinite Multiplayer Hits The Ground Running

Well, rumours were abound over the past few days that it was perhaps gonna happen and finally, during last night's Xbox 20th Anniversary stream, Halo Infinite's multiplayer mode did indeed drop a full three weeks earlier than originally scheduled.

The mode, which was due to launch on December 8th, immediately drew huge interest from fans and even managed to hit the lofty heights of 272k concurrent players over on Steam during its first few hours live, making it Xbox Game Studios' most successful title of all time on the platform. Not too shabby for a Monday evening, folks.

There were a few teething problems on Xbox, with some players being met with a blue screen upon launching the game - a problem quickly solved by hard-resetting your console and updating the Halo Infinite launcher - but overall, from what we've seen through social media and from our own time spent blasting through the twelve modes currently on offer, this one is off to a very positive start.

As you can see from that last tweet above, there has also been a little criticism on social media and on Reddit, with regards to the game's Battle Pass progression system as it currently operates. Some players were quick to jump online to complain that the grind here is just a little too slow and needs to be worked on in order to make things feel a little more satisfying with regards to unlocking new gear, boosts and cosmetic items.

Personally, we didn't find too much to complain about with this aspect of proceedings, we managed to unlock a new epic suit of armour on the Premium Battle Pass (which will set you back £7.99) after just four matches, but it'll be interesting to see how this works out going forward and whether 343 Industries takes note and makes some tweaks to this part of its game.

Overall though, it seems it's been a very bright start for Halo Infinite's multiplayer, the core gameplay here is fantastically tight and exciting stuff and there's plenty of modes to dig into day one. We were also very surprised that the servers managed to hold it together through the first few hours with few problems involved in jumping into matches for a blast.

With the first planned event, Fracture: Tenrai, due to launch next week, things are certainly looking good ahead of the full game's launch next month.

Have you managed to jump into Halo Infinite's multiplayer already? How are you finding the mix of game modes and is that Battle Pass progression too slow for your tastes? Let us know in the comments.

What Do You Think Of Halo Infinite So Far?