We love Titanfall here at Pure Xbox, both the original and the sequel with its incredible campaign. Over the years, we’ve had Apex Legends as a battle royale spin-off, but nothing new in the mainline series. Going forward, EA has said this is something that is down to Respawn.
In a recent interview with IGN, Laura Meile, the chief studio officer for EA, spoke about the future of Titanfall. She noted the success of the franchise, but said the “team will determine what the future holds for Apex and Titanfall”.
“Apex takes place in the Titanfall world and the Respawn team is incredibly proud of that legacy and brand. That team will determine what the future holds for Apex and Titanfall. I don’t believe in directing or telling games teams what to create, it has to come from the player community, and the inspiration and motivation of developers.”
With the success of Apex Legends continuously growing, it’s uncertain what the future of Titanfall may be. The sequel failed to have a huge launch, but over the years has grown in popularity. Maybe Respawn is taking note of this and prepping for a third entry? Hopefully.
Would you like to see a Titanfall 3? Drop us a comment below and let us know.
[source ign.com]
Comments 11
Looking forward to playing Titanfall 2 as part of the Gamepass club in March. I tried looking for an online match in Titanfall 1 a few months ago and couldn't find one so i uninstalled it. Truth be told i thought it had a campaign and that's why i downloaded it so i wouldn't miss out on the story in 2 but nope... online play only.
@Bruvas The original Titanfall definitely defines that first year of Xbox One for me. It was so fresh and exciting at the time.
@Krzzystuff People still play the first one! I prefer it to the second, so I hop online from time-to-time. But yeah, it never had a campaign.
Is it not heavily assumed that Respawn are currently hard at work on Fallen Order 2? Do they have multiple teams? Would love a Titanfall 3, though it's only the campaign I'd be interested in.
Titanfall 2's campaign provided some of the finest few hours of condensed fun I've had in gaming for some time.
Just start playing 2 thanks to Gamepass. Loving it so far. Bring on #3.
YES please, It needs to happen, Titanfall is to good of a franchise to not make another game.. Titanfall 3 would be huge..
I would MUCH, MUCH rather see them make a Jedi sequel
@Insightful Yeah, that's the part where my opinion differs. The campaign is superb, no doubt, but I feel the multiplayer took a step back in terms of gameplay design and particularly map design.
@Insightful "TF 2 sold more on Xbox One than PS4 AND has a higher average daily playerbase too."
Hardly surprising when the first game didn't come to PlayStation. A lot of people haven't given the second one a chance due to that. I've personally had to convince several friends to play it despite not playing the first.
OK....EA is sounding responsible and awesome.
I don't know what someone slipped into my food, but I don't want this trip to ever end.
@Spaceman-Spiff I would assume Respawn has multiple teams. Got a team supporting Apex Legends and the team that made SW Jedi Fallen Order. I thought I read there was a team working on something unannounced as well.
Truthfully tho, you'd need the Apex team involved as they are the FPS experts. But Apex is now the cash cow and who is going to pull talent from that team to make a 3rd TF which historically have performed as well as us fans think it should have?
Honestly EA f@cked Titanfall 2 when they released it between Call of Duty and Battlefield. If TF2 had released in say March, I think it could have had legs and succeeded. Getting lost between the 2 biggest FPS games in the industry was criminal. 😡
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