Epic Games has today lifted the lid on a browser-based app called "MetaHuman Creator", which will reportedly allow developers and creators to make digital humans at a much faster rate in the future.

As reported by VentureBeat, this tool runs in the cloud using a technology called "Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming", and compresses "weeks or months of work" into mere minutes, allowing developers to create photorealistic characters.

The app will be rolled out as part of Early Access over the next few months, and while it's clearly aimed at developers and creators, it will apparently require no programming knowledge whatsoever at a basic level.

Here's what Epic Games VP of digital humans technology Vladimir Mastilovic had to say about it to GameSpot:

"Up until now one of the most arduous tasks in 3D content creation has been constructing truly convincing digital humans..."

"It's primarily about democratization, we want it to transform industry, people couldn't [do these kind of] things because of budgets, but now single storytellers can do it. New kinds of stories can be told now."

What do you make of this? Give us your thoughts down in the comments below.

[source venturebeat.com]