While causing mayhem in games is a given, the real world calls for more caution, as the results of one waste lorry fire caused by a single Xbox controller have undoubtedly proven in Buckinghamshire, England.
Buckingshamshire Council posted on Twitter the effects of one disposed Xbox controller, as an incident caused a fire following the peripheral being thrown away incorrectly. The council is now calling for residents to ensure they "correctly recycle small electrical devices and batteries in order to prevent fires on board waste vehicles".
It's crazy to think that one measly Xbox controller could be the source of such destruction, but it's an eye opener to be careful with any old electronics you're throwing away. It could lead to serious consequences!
Heard of any other unfortunate situations withXbox accessories? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via planetradio.co.uk]
Comments 5
This happens quite often (not xbox controllers)
Just battery's in general. My guess was a rechargeable ion battery when it compressed it. Sparks caught other garbage on fire..
Some garbage dumps see this weekly
Surely you’d remove batteries before throwing it away??
@Terrin That is exactly what happens. I can't tell you how many compactor fires my work has because of improperly disposed batteries.
@WesEds Not everyone dose.. you’d think it would have been common sense though right?
Wow, the Push Square guys were right. Xbox really is a dumpster fire!
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