News - December, 2013

Saturday14th Dec 2013

  • Review Fighter Within (Xbox One)

    Fighter Without.

    In a world where Kinect for Xbox One is seen as nothing but a gimmick designed to ensure that you pay more for a console than you otherwise would, it was imperative that the first Kinect-only experience was compelling. A Wii Sports for the Xbox One, if you will. So who better to leave in charge of such a thing than Ubisoft, the...

Friday13th Dec 2013

  • News A Very Incompetent Tale

    One man's struggle against the system.

    The Xbox One has launched and – barring the odd faulty unit, which is to be expected when you’re building over two million of the things – it’s all gone relatively well. Stock is still short of course, but that’s to be expected given the high demand and the time of year. The fact is though, that most...

  • Review Peggle 2 (Xbox One)

    Addiction, thy name is Peggle.

    When PopCap’s John Vechey took the stage at E3 2013 to announce the company’s new titles, he expected the announcement of Peggle 2 to be something of a megaton. “Ladies and gentlemen, PEGGLE 2!” he bellowed, as the room went dark and a short video trailer took what seemed like aeons to kick in. During the...

Tuesday10th Dec 2013

  • Review Angry Birds: Star Wars (Xbox One)

    Flies in the oink-ment.

    Try and find somebody who’s never played an Angry Birds title, and you’ll find that it’s a tough ask. After launching on mobile devices a few years back, the game has gone from strength to strength, and is now – as we all know – available in a million different varieties, for a million different devices. There’s a...

Monday2nd Dec 2013

  • Review Need for Speed: Rivals (Xbox One)

    We fought the law.

    Though it’s a far less technical and therefore more arcade feeling racer than Forza, Need for Speed: Rivals isn’t something you want to miss as part of the Xbox One launch offering. Its schizophrenic identity of law breaker versus law maker, provides a dual experience of fast cars, dangerous pursuits and intense road battles...