News - November, 2013

Friday29th Nov 2013

Thursday28th Nov 2013

  • Review Dead Rising 3 (Xbox One)

    Dead fun.

    If you're a fan of the original title and the sequel, then Dead Rising 3 is going to impress and please you. The series' intriguing lore and storyline, over the top, ridiculous psycho boss battles, and oodles of extravagant combo weapons are all present and accounted for, enhanced further by the Xbox One's powerful hardware. Dead Rising 3...

  • News Earning Achievements with Netflix on Xbox One

    Easier than ever, but not quite as rewarding

    As something that has been goofed about for quite some time now, we're 100% serious when we tell you that achievements can be earned on the Xbox One without utlra-comboing, commanding a vehicle, or crippling hordes of zombies. For those of you as reliant as we are on streaming media via Netflix, you may...

Wednesday27th Nov 2013

  • Review Killer Instinct (Xbox One)

    C-C-C-Combo Breaker!

    Fans have been asking for it for years and finally Killer Instinct has returned, albeit with a new developer - Double Helix - who have adopted a free-to-play model for the game's characters, which is also now sporting fancy new visuals. However, fans can relax their cynicism and rejoice, as Killer Instinct on Xbox One retains...

Tuesday26th Nov 2013

  • Review Ryse: Son of Rome (Xbox One)

    Veni, vidi, vici, all in a day

    Ryse: Son of Rome is an excellent showcase for the Xbox One hardware. The visually stunning, fast paced action title delivers intense combat, an intriguing story and a pleasantly surprisingly slice of cooperative multiplayer to introduce this new generation of gaming. It's far from flawless but it's undoubtedly...

Wednesday20th Nov 2013

  • Review Battlefield 4 (Xbox 360)

    Children of the Levolution™

    It's always somewhat difficult deciding on how to review such heavily multiplayer-centric games. There's no shortage of single-player affairs on the market that feature a tacked-on multiplayer component, seemingly put together at the final hour in order to tick one of the many boxes that developers - or rather,...

Saturday16th Nov 2013

  • Review The Bridge (Xbox 360)

    A point of view.

    When it comes to ticking all the indie boxes, someone at intriguingly named developer Quantum Astrophysicists Guild seems to have had a long old list to run through when it comes to The Bridge. From furnishing the game with a black and white pencil sketch art style, via allowing you to fast-rewind time with a simple button press,...

Wednesday13th Nov 2013

  • Review Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox 360)

    Do you know what time it is?!

    With the "It's Call of Duty time" tagline that's plastered across advertisements far and wide, comes expectations; the expectation that we know what to expect. If you’re one of the people who think they know what kind of experience is to be found in Infinity Ward’s latest military shooter, chances are you’re...

  • Review Deadfall Adventures (Xbox 360)

    Buried alive.

    When we previewed Deadfall Adventures a couple of months ago, we were promised by the publisher that there was a lot of work to be done. Some graphical elements would be cleaned up, the gunplay would be tweaked, and framerate fixes would be put in place. In short, the normal last-minute polish and clean-up work would be done in order...

Tuesday12th Nov 2013

  • Review WWE 2K14 (Xbox 360)

    Knocked out.

    When THQ went pop and Take 2 picked up the rights for the valuable WWE franchise, we envisioned that WWE 2k14 would be something of a transitional title. From the outset, it’s clear to see that the usual yearly changes have been made. A few new fighters are in place, and old ones have updated movesets, attire, entrance videos, and...

Saturday9th Nov 2013

  • Review Final Exam (Xbox 360)

    No flunking here

    Before playing Final Exam, we’d heard it be described as a sidescrolling Left 4 Dead, and, in all honesty, that’s a fairly apt comparison; it’s a 4-player zombie slayer with online co-op, a level set in a subway, and a massive, hulking enemy called a Tank. Superficial, skin-deep comparisons aside, Mighty Rocket Studio’s...

Friday8th Nov 2013

Monday4th Nov 2013

  • Review Batman: Arkham Origins (Xbox 360)

    This Batman may be less refined, but he still packs a solid punch.

    For a man who successfully fights crime by being one with the shadows, we have a feeling not even Batman himself would be comfortable living in the looming overcast of the masterful Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Those are not only two of the greatest superhero games in existence,...