News - July, 2013

Friday19th Jul 2013

  • Review Fireburst (Xbox 360)

    Throw it into the flames.

    Arcade racing games are tough to get right. For many years, they’ve been viewed as being something of a safe bet. Put some crazy characters in some even crazier vehicles, throw in some sort of apparently unique selling point, and the job is done. Or so you’d think, given the amount of titles that fit that description...

Thursday11th Jul 2013

  • Review Fast and Furious: Showdown (Xbox 360)

    Furious is right.

    Movie tie-ins have had a long and storied history when it comes to the video game world. A few are superb. More are half-decent. Most are average. But when it comes down to it, an awful lot of them are appallingly rushed titles that tick some of the fanservice boxes and then go easy on the gameplay. Fast and Furious: Showdown is...

Wednesday10th Jul 2013

Monday1st Jul 2013

  • Review Crash Time 5: Undercover (Xbox 360)


    The Crash Time series of games has been quietly bubbling under the radar around the world for the last few years. Generally, if you’ve bought one of the games, you know not to buy another one, as without exception, they’ve all been pretty dire affairs. The series is based on the German cop show Alarm für Cobra 11, which has been much...