Welcome to the weekend! There's lots of new content to try on Xbox over the next couple of days, including various new Xbox Game Pass titles such as Immortality and Immortals Fenyx Rising, another batch of Free Play Days titles, two new Games with Gold for September, and plenty of fantastic deals that are on sale until Tuesday!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, Editor
I wasn't the one who reviewed Immortality for Pure Xbox, so I'm very keen to get my hands on it after it received a 10/10 rating earlier this week! Instead, I was reviewing F1 Manager 2022, and I'll definitely still be playing plenty of that game over the next couple of days, continuing my slow-paced, but relatively successful career as Aston Martin!
You know what? I might even return to Immortals Fenyx Rising as well. I've owned that game since launch but haven't made as much progress as I'd like - and that's a shame, because it's such a great game. If you like Breath of the Wild (and most people do), then you need to at least give it a try on Xbox Game Pass.
Have a good weekend everyone!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 42
Finished Midnight Fight Express. So I've now started playing Split Second
I just had surgery on Thursday and will be recovering for two weeks, so most of my gaming time will be spent with my Nintendo Switch. Right now, I’m playing (and the list is long):
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove. I remember buying this game day one when it originally released back in 2014 on the PS4, and loving it so much I got the platinum trophy for it. Since then, I haven’t touched it at all, including its subsequent DLC expansions - but I did buy it for the Switch and have been replaying it. My goodness - it’s such a masterpiece in all facets of its genre.
Continuing with my retro kick - I finished Super Castlevania 4 for the SNES. It was a tough game, but fun as hell. I thought the environments were really interesting, and the room spinning in circles was such a cool moment. Onward to Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse (or a replay of CoTM - one of my favorites from the entire franchise).
I also completed two modern retro throwback games: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 1 and 2. Those games are short, sweet, and a total blast to play. There is a ton replayability with character swapping and branching paths. Moreover, Zangetsu’s character is really interesting and I love how in the sequel you can acquire an ability to provide a moveset up to three attacks with his Soul Eraser and then ultimately the Zanmatou. Also, Dominique is cool - and I just have an affinity for spears in a video game.
Another game on my list is I’ll be ANNO: Mutationem. The cyberpunk aesthetic will always garner my attention. So far, the pixel art and combat looks gorgeous and is fun to play. I almost bought this game for the PS5 when it released months ago but held off on the hope it would come to the Switch. The performance is great, too. The only major downside is the long load times, but that’s minimal compared to the complete package on offer. I can’t wait to see where the ride takes me.
Lastly, I’m going to be playing The Last of Us Part 1. The original from 2013 is my all time favorite game. It had a profound effect on me and changed me as a man, father, and simply impacted my life in ways I never even considered. I was initially skeptical about buying the remake - not because I don’t expect it to be phenomenal - but because I was worried whether or not it would have the same impact as it had before, or if its appeal would run dry for me. It’s safe to say I had nothing to worry about. I know for most people the $70.00 price tag might be too much for a remake, but I personally don’t see it that way. I can spend $25.00 for a two hour movie experience, and if it was good then I won’t have any complaints. So, spending seventy dollars on a product that I’ll always have and will spend a significant amount of time on is not a bad deal in my opinion.
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - Starting on this months challenges.
World At Arms (Windows Phone) - Just starting on.
Temple Run 2 (Windows Phone) - I love me an endless runner.
Will be playing Immortals: Fenyx Rising on Switch, Lego Batman on Series X and Team Sonic Racing on PS4. Might also throw in some Persona 3 Portable if I'm in the mood.
Really enjoying Immortals so far. In terms of Lego Batman, I just finished up the Hero story so now I'm going through the Villain one, which is really fun thus far. And hopefully I'll be able to wrap up Team Sonic Racing soon!
I'm off the wagon and have started playing Destiny 2 again. It might be more money-grabby than ever, but my god is that a great-playing game, especially with the wife and a friend in tow.
Will be playing HFW taking my time and covering every inch of this spectacular open world.
My series x just sits there looking pretty at the moment and probably will until next year sometime.
As me and big Phil will be playing GOWR soon. 😂
I'm starting A plague tale: Innocence before it leaves game pass on the 15th. It's one of those games I've wanted to play but not got around to. So now I have to!
I'm also engaged in a FIFA 22 career mode challenge with my brother. Win the domestic leagues in the following countries in the shortest amount of seasons possible (transfer policy is you can only sign players from the league you're managing in)
England, Scotland, Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain (in no particular order) I'm currently trying to win the french league with Nantes. My bro has already won leagues with Liverpool and Atletico Madrid and is now trying to win Serie A with Inter. (He has a lot more spare time than me and I suspect he's plating it on beginner - although he'd never admit it 😂)
Wolfenstein (2009) on PC. This game is a blast! It's fast paced, not completely but mostly linear, and the RPG-lite elements give it a little extra something without going overboard. Everything about it is streamlined, and while that might not be to everyone's tastes, its exactly what I want right now. I'm having much more fun with it than I did with Return to Castle Wolfenstein which I found to be slow, finicky, and frustrating.
Also playing The Council. I'm on chapter 2.1, and so far it's alright. Interesting enough to keep playing, but I'm not loving it. Playing on PS4 via PS5, and while it's a narrative game, the performance is outright terrible. The graphics and animations are not great to say the least. I'm constantly distracted by how bad it looks and runs. Also, I'm finding there are just way too many skills to choose from and no way to know what's going to be most useful. For example, I might spend all my points leveling up my psychology skill, and then not use it even one time during the next "mission" or whatever. Doesn't feel good. But, the more I play through more intrigued I am regarding what's actually going on plot-wise.
Bioshock 2 on Switch for me. Loved the first one but never got around to the sequel.
Have a great Weekend
Mostly Sea of Thieves and Rumbleverse this weekend if anything.
I finished my Halo Infinite weeklies earlier on so I won’t likely play again until Tuesday.
On XSX, I'll be continuing my 4th playthrough of Sleeping Dogs. Still looks and plays great.
On PS5: The Last of Us Part 1. Damn good remake when it comes to graphical and audio enhancements.
I'm trying to finish A Plague Tale since not only leaves Game Pass but my suscription also ends tomorrow. Not sure if I want another month right now, so I would like to finish it.
@Chaudy I'm also currently playing through Split/Second and it's a load of fun. If you enjoy it, I highly recommend a similar game called Burnout Revenge which is backwards compatible.
@gollumb82 Sleeping Dogs is a great game and after 10 years still enjoy playing it. Such a shame the sequel got cancelled and the developer closed down.
Ah, a man of good taste 🙂 Agree with you about Sleeping Dogs, but sadly the sequel was rightfully cancelled. It was supposed to be called Triad Wars and was to be focused on multiplayer... Some devs just don't know what made their games successful (I'm looking at you, DICE, and Bad Company 1/2).
Also, Split/Second is on my wishlist. Loved Burnout Revenge back on PS2 and keep hearing good things about it.
Thanks for reminding me about Grid Legends. Loved the original GRID (2007 one), but since then all the follow-ups haven't been able to recapture the magic of the first one. I hope Legends is at least better than the last iteration.
On my Xbox im playing Brutal legend. I was in the mood for some Tim Schafer game. Played a bit of it years back in steam but never finished it. Great humor and music with Jack Black as protagonist and a fun mix of action/adventure and rts gameplay.
On my ps5 Im playing trials of mana. Great rpg. In the post game of my first playthrough and going for the plat for sure.
On PS5 i will be continuing with Soul Hackers 2, 27 hours in and it's been ok so far but the soul axis dungeon is starting to bore me, they should of made each floor look slightly different but no, the most generic dungeon I've ever experienced in a game which bumps the score I'd give it right down.
On switch I will be continuing with the masterpiece that is Xenoblade chronicles 3, just reached the castle and even though I'm only half way through I've sank 50 hours into this and is my game of the year, so far.
On my series S I have just done the first big area in far cry 5 (John seed), but I will now give it a rest whilst I try and complete guardians of the galaxy and downloaded Tinykin for my next game.
@gollumb82 Yeah nobody asked for Triad Wars and thankfully it didn't last long. They were actually planning a direct sequel but never went into production. Split/Second goes on sale for cheap a lot and it really is a lot of fun.
Last mission on Max Payne 3. Glad i bought cause its a tremendous game with awesome shooting mechanics.
I also started with Fenyx Rising, just saw the title screen. Not sure if its my cup of tea yet...
Mostly Tinykin (great little game) and Grid Legends (my eyes love the 120fps mode). If there’s any time left then maybe a splash of Immortals Fenix Rising ….but Guardians of the Galaxy keeps winking at me from the to-do list and I guess it won’t be on GP forever.
Been playing Xenoblade 3, doubt I'll be done anytime soon, but looking forward to play Soul Hackers 2.
On Series X I’m playing Cult of the lamb and Tinykin. Have been “playing” Immortality though tbh I think I’m getting bored with it, so unless something happens soon I’ll be throwing in the towel. On PS5 I’m playing F1 2022 and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.
I’ve just started playing The Gunk. Not too challenging, nice atmosphere, good soundtrack. Nice little game to explore and relax too, Top I go back to playing The Last of us Part 2.
I just finished AC Brotherhood. Now I'm going to start up and play Tinykin on Series X..
@Markatron84 they just added King’s Fall raid from D1 last week.
Destiny 2, waiting for Splatoon 3 to drop next week
Tales of Vesperia on 360. My last not forwards compatible games left. As soon as its done just a few more 360 era games that are FC but that im keeping on 360 to play so wife can use tv where x1 is set up.
I managed to get a physical copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 on Amazon for around 10 bucks. So I’ll be playing that along with Multiversus.
Playing some mad max [ the game ]
and some quake, awesome game
even decades later.
I’m playing through Valhalla and trying to finish it but keep popping into grid legend too.
Im gonna try immortality again. I really didnt get it on initial try, but given the glowing praise, im genuinely suffering fomo on this title. 😂
TMNT Cowabunga Collection (Series X)
Capcom Arcade 2 (Series X)
Just in a major retro game mood this weekend.
@Dusk_Actual I don't have a raid group anymore so I won't be trying it. Only raid I've ever done is The Leviathan. It was fun and I totally felt like I accomplished something when it was done after weeks of practice. But I wouldn't go back to raiding with half the group I did it with if you paid me 🤣
Tinykin and I’m going to try to start and finish plague tale before it leaves. Tinykin is great
WOW. Maybe some Diablo II
@BlackMayge Hope you have a good recovery, You have plenty of games to keep you busy over the next couple of weeks!
Mafia Definitive and Hades 👍👍
I played Nioh 2 all weekend.
Came to try it again after the last update and just having fun.
Probably gonna play more overcooked AYCE
Gonna finish the Order
@Dezzy70 That’s pretty much where I’m at with my Series X as well. I think im going to cancel GP Ultimate for a few months. Im really just going back and forth between HFW and GT7 for the last while. But the games will come and I’ll be right back onto the grean team.
I alternated between Crackdown 3 and Agent of Mayhem. The later I got during the current sale for 2€ and that's a steal. I just wanted to play a fun shooter and neither did disappoint.
I think the games will come to and hopefully very good AAA games as well.
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