Welcome to the weekend! If you're wondering what to play on Xbox over the next few days, we've got some fantastic new Xbox Game Pass titles, more Free Play Days offerings and a huge Tokyo Game Show sale! Don't forget that the massive (and free) Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 also went live earlier this week.
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, Editor
Well, there's no doubt I'll be playing a bit of EA Sports FC 24 this weekend as part of the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate free 10-hour trial, and I may even complement that with some eFootball 2024 too! Let's make it a full-on football weekend...
I'll definitely need to sneak in some time for Party Animals though, which is becoming my new Xbox Game Pass obsession. It's such a great game to just chill out with and enjoy a few laughs, and crucially I can dip in and out of it without needing to dedicate a significant amount of time - perfect for those "just one quick game" moments!
Have a good weekend, folks.
Ben Kerry, Staff Writer
After reviewing The Crew Motorfest earlier this week, I'll likely be playing even more of that over the weekend. Ubisoft's new racer has officially pushed Forza Horizon 5 off my SSD at this point (in part due to it being about 100GB smaller in size!), so it's set to be my go-to open world racing game for the foreseeable future.
I've also promised myself that I won't let another Game Pass leaver walk by me, so I'm going to do my best to play through Beacon Pines before it leaves the library at the end of September. I've heard it's a pretty short one, so, it should be doable in the next week or so!
I hope you all have a great weekend.
PJ O'Reilly, Staff Writer
There's so much good stuff to play at the moment that I'm actually feeling a little bewildered but, in between some review bits and bobs I've got going on, I'll mostly be making time for EA Sports FC 24 this weekend. I've jumped on the Ultimate version's early access and so far it plays a decent game, even if it's very similar to what we saw in FIFA 23. Oh, and the menus...why did they make the menus so confusing this time?
Elsewhere, I'll likely spend a bunch of time with Mortal Kombat 1, which I've been enjoying immensely.
Have a good one, whatever you're playing!
Craig Reid, Video Producer
I’ve been waiting for Party Animals for years so it’s a no-brainer - I’ll be spending the majority of my weekend clubbing adorable animals with my lethal paws of fury. I’ve genuinely had such a hoot trying to unlock the whopping 92 achievements that Party Animals has. Honestly, trying to get these cheevos makes for such a wonderful experience and I think many devs could learn from this. Keeps the game fresh and entertaining!
Besides this, I’ll probably dive into the new save I created for Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 - It’s sooo much better folks. So much better.
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 55
My life is being consumed by Baldur’s Gate 3. This game is so damn good. I’ve been playing it for 45+ hours now (this is not including 20hrs playing before starting a fresh new character).
I decided to go the Underdark route and did as many side quests as I could, including the Adamantine Forge, which included a relatively tough boss fight. Afterward, I back tracked and decided to go through the Mountain Pass to try and absorb as much as I can during my first play through.
I’m now officially in Act II and exploring the Shadow Cursed Lands which is unsettling, but it’s not that difficult to traverse. What is difficult is discussing my experience because it’s very spoiler heavy.
I’m really starting to feel the weight of my choices. Some of outcomes are good, while others have had serious implications. I’m interested in some of my recent decisions because I’m genuinely torn as to whether or not they were good moves, particularly with Lae’zel and Shadowheart’sstory line. I haven’t been nervous for an outcome in an RPG like this in quite some time.
Speaking of Shadowheart, I think I’m on the verge of finding Nightsong for her. The whole quest line has been phenomenal, especially the optional areas that lead to really fun exploration experiences. And the characters and choices along the way (of this particular companion quest) have been interesting. I can see the ripple effects from my decisions in Act 1 which is a sign of excellent writing.
This game is going to go down as one of my favorite games of all time. And in the RPG space, it’s in my top 3. What a year for 2023 — arguably the greatest year of all time in terms of video games.
Mostly Halo Infinite for me. Just enjoying playing at the moment. Hyped for season 5 reveals soon. The leaks have been crazy.
I might give Party Animals another go but might not.
I beat Firewatch on my Xbox Series X last week and I continued playing Ace Attorney: Justice for All on Switch which I’m at the final episode for. I also started playing Baten Kaitos Remastered which is fun so far.
Beyond that I bought a handful of games including Gato Robotto, The Messenger, Neon White, Warhammer 40.000 Boltgun, Loop Hero and The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo which I might start too.
Besides bits of Human Fall Flat and Unpacking (for daily 50 rewards points achievements), 7 Days to Die. A very underrated game IMO.
Starfield, Forza horizon 4 and gears judgement this weekend for me.
Starfield. I just can’t see myself playing anything else for the foreseeable future, except for some Forza Motorsport. My expectations were ridiculously high and I even bought a Series X for this game (my first ever Xbox) and still I’m overwhelmed.
To say I’m hooked is an understatement. I’ve never longed this much to dive into a game time and time again. Now at roughly the 70 hour mark I’m not even really doing any missions, just wandering around and enjoying everything I come across.
Definitely my all time favorite game already.
I’m actually playing through nuts and bolts and Skyrim.
Starfield, Life of P and return to my 5th play-through in Sekiro.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk which is a really good time if you loved the JSR games. Quake II and also checking out the EA Sports FC 24 ten hour trial.
Starfield. I've played for 42 hours so far, and barely touched the main story. I keep wanting to just progress with that for a few hours and get sidetracked. I haven't even explored all that much. I've been doing other missions. I think I've just finished the main UC story (not totally sure) so now might be a chance to do some of the main story. 😀
Mortal Kombat. I sort of realized that I wasn’t really having fun playing Starfield when I started playing it, unfortunately, so I think I’m going to give that one a rest. Having a blast playing MK1 though.
I may play some Nour too. It’s relaxing.
Started a new play through last night of Cyberpunk 2077 now the 2.0 patch has dropped. Only had time to do the prologue so too early to see any of the major changes so far, though gun play felt punchier to me. Still having lots of fun with The Crew Motorfest. As far as Starfield goes, well my interest is starting to waver. I’ve played around 30-35 hours, but it could go either way right now. I’ll plod on, and just hope the game does enough to keep me playing.
I want to be playing a bunch of stuff, but I am pushing my way through Weird West as much as possible to finish it before it leaves Game Pass.
Starfield is the only game monopolizes my interest, 226h and keep going!!! Maybe after Starfield I'll catch up with BG3 will see.
Starfield! I sunk in over 22 hours and that was just the side content and exploration! I wish I didn't work on weekends 🤬🤬 but alas, I'll try to find more temples. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Trying to finish my first run of Starfield so I can move on to other things. I already did most of the sidequests (all factions) apart from ones about searching planets or doing outposts and a few that bugged on me and I cannot complete atm... I believe I still have time to go for Sea of stars true ending too. And as I am out of town today I have been playing a bit o Oracle of Ages on Switch.
Starfield – I´ve finished the game since last week. Its good, very good at times, the main story is pretty cool but some of the side quests are better. Also the best NG+ setting I´ve seen. But I also feel very done with the game and dont think I´ll be playing it again, at least for a few years. Its very hard to not think about what this game could have been with a better engine, less loading screens, less fast traveling (no its not totally optional to skip) less menus, etc etc. But it is what it is.
Joe Wander – picked this up in the sale as a palette cleanser and its a pretty fun platformer. Controls are a bit lacking sometimes but the puzzling is fun and the settings are great.
Cyberpunk 2077 – I´ve been looking forward to update 2.0 and started a new game last night. I’ve only played for like an hour so cant say much yet but it feels like the stability and performance are much improved, and from what I’ve read about the gameplay tweaks this is going to be great. I mean I already loved the game before so this might end up high on my top list of best games ever.
So hooked on Starfield its insane. My Switch and PS5 is on timeout.
A day of self-inflicted punishment for me as I tackle 'Lies of P', while coping with the horrific realities of a mid-thirties hangover.
Samurai Warriors 5, Mad Max, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and maybe Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.
@Blinx I'm thinking of buying it, but I sucked at Jet Set Radio. As in I couldn't make some of the "tricks" (played on Vita, don't know if that was a problem too). Do you think I should give it a chance? Is it easier?
Xbox - Starfield (new game+), Halo Inifinite
Playstation - Death Stranding, Ace Combat 5 (ps2)
Nintendo - Pikmin 4
PC - nothing
Starfield and motorfest. I think it will be a while before it will be anything else!
On xbox I am playing Starfield, currently at lvl 30m and on PS5 I am playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake and I am up to chapter 11
The few hours i got free this weekend ill put them into Starfield.
Liking it quite a lot so far
I am playing BG3 and enjoying being an utter b*stard.
Sea of Stars on Gamepass still also.
I'm taking a break from Starfield and I'm gonna start the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC..
@Sol4ris I am one of those that found Souls/Elden Ring games too difficult for me. Maybe its my hand eye coordination lol. Not tried Sekiro or Lies of P either have bit less of a learning curve?. I like the aeshetic in Lies of P but not taken a punt yet just in case
Edit: @Kaloudz posing the same question to you too!
My Series X finally back from repair so finally dipping into Starfield this weekend. Slow start but sticking with it as its typical Bethesda and seen from other reviews it picks up later.
Dipping into a bit more of Crew Motorfest and finishing off The Expanse otherwise.
I got the just for you Borderlands bundle so will dive into that today…
100 hours into BG3 and I've just officially started Act 3. I said to everyone that would listen, and a few that simply wouldn't, that Baldur's Gate 3 would win EVERY single Game of the Year award for the next 12 months, and I absolutely stand by that opinion.
Everything about the game screams quality; the cutscenes have never been bettered anywhere, the writing, the character arcs, the combat, the exploration, and the ramifications from decisions (which are just so impressive). I could go on, but anyone that has played the game will know what I mean, and anyone on the fence should give it a go as I honestly cannot fathom how you will be disappointed.
Although the next game I shall play will either be Spiderman 2 or Starfield, I am already contemplating a second, third and fourth run of BG3. I want to do an evil run (I'm currently a proper goody-two-shoes), a Dark Urge run, and a wherever the dice rolls fall run (I mean by that, no reloading whatsoever in order to get a more favourable outcome (something that I wonder if I can actually achieve)). BG3 is a game that will be played for years, if not decades, to come. Such a good game, and such a good time to be a gamer...
@Lup I found JSR tough and a bit unforgiving at times too, especially in later stages, in that way that arcadey games can be. I've only cleared about three stages of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk so far, but it feels a bit kinder because of smoother controls, a better camera and more intuitive level design. The combo system can be a bit intimidating at first though, you have to properly grasp it to start racking up high scores.
Hi, apologies for the late response. I've been playing LoP for 7h so far and from my experience with the DS trilogy and Sekiro, LoP seems much more forgiving in comparison, especially if you invest a bit of time in leveling up. Bosses do come across as unfairly difficult but they have a very limited move set and once memorised they will be fairly manageable.
I would add that the parrying and rolling/dodging are suspect compared to DS and especially Sekiro(wich is pretty much perfect for me).
All in all I think you should give it go, it's a good game....and on Gamepass. 😉
Starfield and more Pay Day 3 for me this weekend
Cyberpunk for me, chombas.
I commit to a game. I like to play one game for a long time till the point I play other games or game to take a break from the main squeeze in my case it's starfield I've been waiting for this game since they first announced it. Before Starfield I played GTAV since 2013 hit level 1076😭 Starfield to me is GTA In Space 🌌🚀
@Sol4ris No need to apologise for the late reply! Thanks for the help. I have Lies of P installed so will see how I get on.
Starfield first and foremost. Then I’m playing last hope and I might start dead space to head into Halloween. I did start silent hill collection (#2) but after realizing how old school it is I think I’m gonna give myself a break n restart on easy
@Bmartin001 I’ve been think about getting violet i like to play Pokémon in French and im finally going to Paris in November (im an American). Do you recommend playing it?
@Jaxx420 I'd like to recommend Sekiro, and go for Lies of P after if you dig the parry heavy combat system.
I very much doubt they're not planning on fine tuning the perfect guard in Lies of P even within a few days because there have been complaints about it all around.
But even if they do I think it's still going to be marginally harder than Sekiro based on the 20~ hours I've played so far.
Sekiro's been on the market for years, there are guides galore. The game's been in its most playable state for a while.
Aesthetic wise though I do think Lies of P's steampunk world is better than Sekiro's.
Goodluck either way and don't forget to have fun G
PS5 - Disco Elysium
XSX - Starfield
Switch - Metroid Prime Remastered
PS5 - Assassin's Creed Valhalla
XSX - Titanfall 2
Switch - Xenoblade Chronicles 3
I'll be finishing story mode on Mortal Kombat 1 and maybe finally play some more Samurai Shodown.
I'm all about Starfield right now.
Playing 3 different games, Party Animals, Payday 3 and Solar Ash
Starfield and Sea of Stars until Phantom Liberty drops. Lies of P is on my radar as well but holy hell still trying to catch up
Starfield. Still loving it after around 120 hours. Strewth!
I'm in a bit of a lull at the moment.
I really want to like Starfield, but I played an hour or so and it just didn't do anything for me. I know people have said it takes around 10 hours of play for it to properly get going, but why should I sink so much time into a game waiting for it to get good?
I don't want to slate the game by any means, the visuals look amazing and there's nothing blatantly wrong with it that I can see. It's just too slow a start for me.
So this weekend I've not played anything yet, and I don't know what I want to play either.
Ultimately I'm waiting for Forza motorsport. It may be that I don't really play anything until then. But I'm sure the masses will tell me to stick with Starfield a while longer and see if it can change my first impression.
Happy gaming everyone 👍👍
Wraping things up in Starfield. Two playthroughs so far done all the faction/side quests i could find. So, now i'm in a more relaxed phase where i mess with the ship builder and exploring the more distant solar systems. In the meantime i started a new Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough but progressing very slowly right now waiting until Thursday when Phantom Liberty comes out.
No Starfailed for me. RE4 DLC now that I have gotten full 100 % achievements on XIII.
@Kraven it’s so, so good. It’s been a long time since I played a game thoroughly enough to know exactly what someone else is referring to when they write about different moments in it they’ve experienced.
I know it’s early, but so far it’s looking like game of the decade
Been playing party Animals which has been good for a bit of fun and also tried ea sports 24. The management mode not really any different including the free transfers which were the same as last year. Wrexham have half the Mexico squad on free as did Tranmere when i started past season. There are some glitches that are not great.
All Starfield with the exception of my Remnant 2 group night.
Alrighty semi interesting week this time. The games for this weekend kinda simple. Trying to wrap up Trails to Azure which I think I’m fairly close to beating. Again peak fall vibes with that and some football and a rainy day. And on the PS5 some Baldurs Gate 3 and Sea of Stars. Picked up MK1 and the 120ish dollars in Digital funds I wanted this week so I’ll be enjoying some Mortal Kombat as well as snagging The Teal Mask for Pokémon Scarlet, Nayuta Boundless Trails for switch, Seperate Ways for RE4 Remake and Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077. Very excited to delve back into all those games and more this week. Like Sonic Frontiers getting the free final update I gotta reinstall that game. Or Street Fighter 6 getting A.K.I this week. Overall I think the games getting tackled this week look like this. Switch: Trails To Azure, Pikmin 4, Zelda TOTK, Fire Emblem Fell Xenologue, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, Pokemon Scarlet, and Trails of Cold Steel IV depending on when I finish Azure. And on PS5 we got: Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Sea of Stars, Final Fantasy XVI, Sonic Frontiers, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Baldurs Gate 3, Mortal Kombat 1, and Street Fighter 6. Over on the anime front I’ve already finished up the first Summer anime and it’s actually the first one I started too. Atelier Ryza was simply excellent. Amazing time with it really. Gonna try to finish up a lot of anime this weekend actually like Ayaka, Liar Liar and Yohane the Parhelion. Shoutout to BSDs latest episode for fixing last weeks trauma. Shoutout to JJK’s latest episode for reinstalling the trauma. Special shoutout this week to Emmy they’ll know who they are when they see this. Finished that live action One Piece too and that was incredible. Definitely looking forward to more of it. Podcasts this week simple as always: Castle Superbeast, Big Think Dimension, Into the Aether, Remap Radio, Giant Bombcast and Nextlander. Have a awesome weekend everyone and Happy Gaming y’all.
Finished Gris this weekend. Paused and stopped a few months ago, but it was worth it to finish it. Beautiful, heartfelt game.
Starfield and Lies of P. The more I play Starfield the more of a masterpiece it is. It is an unbelievable game, damn the critics who set out to hate it (I am looking at you Metro UK gamer, Eurogamer, Rockpapershotgun, among others). The hate for MS is so great in the gaming community. Usually that mean others are threatened. I say this as a platform agnostic as I own all systems.
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