Welcome to the weekend! We've got a fresh batch of Xbox Game Pass games to enjoy over the next few days, along with three more Free Play Days titles, two new Games with Gold, and over 500 (!) deals to take advantage of.
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
There are a few things I'm very intrigued to try this weekend on Xbox Game Pass, primarily the former PlayStation exclusive Bugsnax, which looks like a fun time. I'm also keen to check out 7 Days To Die, but I'll have to get it installed on PC rather than console, as the Xbox version is notoriously out of date at this point.
Free Play Days is looking pretty good this weekend as well — I'm always up for a skateboarding game, and Session is included with the bunch over the next few days, so that's on the download list. I'm also on a PES 2021 kick at the moment (sorry eFootball 2022, but you're just not doing it for me), so I'll probably play a few games too.
Oh, and I can't forget Yoku's Island Express which is included with Xbox Games with Gold for May! Somehow I've never properly come across that game before, and it looks absolutely brilliant.
Have a good weekend, everyone!
Ben Kerry, Staff Writer
This weekend I'll be getting stuck into an upcoming Xbox Game Pass title for review, which I'm very excited about! After my time with the brilliant Road 96 this past week, I may be onto a bit of a winning streak. Let's see!
Speaking of which, once I'm through with that upcoming game, I'm going to have to revisit Road 96 to see everything the game has to offer. Its branching story paths provide some great replayability options, and to be honest, I just want to eek out every story beat from this one as humanly possible.
Hope you lot have a relaxing weekend!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 27
On xbox I will be continuing with the guardians of the galaxy.
On playstation 5 I've just started the trails of cold steel 1 and want to get the whole series done this year.
On switch I will do a few more chapters of fire emblem three houses and some xenoblade chronicles 2
I have the day to myself because my fiancé is going wedding dress shopping, so I think I’ll mostly play Rogue Legacy 2. The game is fantastic so far, and I thoroughly enjoy the upgrade system, character variety, and overall humor.
Halo 3, which I started a few days ago as I continue my slow progression through the Halo series to get to Halo Infinite's campaign. It not receiving a big anniversary remaster like Halo 2 did was surprising to find out given how good and big Halo 3 was. It's also surprising that the game went back to in-engine cinematics rather than the flashy CGI cinematics that Halo 2 got.
Regardless, it's the game itself that matter most, and it's been really good so far as expected.
Started Cyberpunk after clearing Lost in random this week. That one was quite fun actually. Cyberpunk I can't say to much about yet only a few hours in. On my Ps5 I'm playing Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana. The further I come the better it becomes great action Jrpg
@Royalblues good luck with Elden Ring! I haven't started it myself, generally not in to the challenging type of games, but I hear this one is more accessible so who knows one day I'll play it too
Twisted Metal 2 (PS) - I'm still clearing different characters, up next is Shadow.
CarneyVale: Showtime (Windows Phone) - Still not put alot of time into this one yet.
ExZeus 2 (Windows Phone) - Still high score chasing.
Bugsnax, Life Is Strange, Tunic on game pass and will probably pick up House Of Ashes will waiting for The Quarry
Hopefully get Lost in Random finished this weekend, for the first time in a long time I haven't got anything planned for after.
Halo Infinite, FH5
Just purchased Resident Evil Village downloading at the moment.
I'm playing Hitman and will also be starting My Career journey on NBA 2k22.
Probably some Apex Legends. I don’t plan on completing the season pass but I am in the 90s. I might even play Arenas. I haven’t touched it this season and have a bunch of challenges.
Then possibly some Halo Infinite. I finished the weekly on Wednesday but I might play it anyways.
@Royalblues the art style is very Tim Burton like one of its biggest strengths. The story was pretty simple, mostly being told by a narrator, but contained a lot of humor in between. The combat is kinda hard to explain it is a like a combination of dice rolling and a card system so on the rng side once you get used to it can be quite fun.
Took me around 20ish hours to complete it, so not overly long. I would surely recommend it
I'm currently playing Bugsnax, It's actually a very fun game..
I just finished Evil Within 2 this morning. What a great game! Loved the original, and enjoyed this one even more. Praise be to FPS boost!
Also played some more Remnant FTA with the guys last night. My buddy is obsessed with it and I don't quite understand why. It's solid for what it is, don't get me wrong, but it's not THAT great in my opinion. It's fun to play, but not especially unique, pretty, well written, well designed, etc. I don't know. We're all having fun playing it though which of course is what matters most.
Not sure what I'll play next.. Maybe Life is Strange TC. I bought Returnal about a month ago. Maybe I'll fire that up. Maybe both.
Edit: Played Returnal for ~3 hours and it's just not for me. It's difficult in a way that I find both tedious and overly punishing. I'll be selling it off in the near future.
Rogue Legacy 2 and it’s amazing!
Also got a free month of GameFly so had Stranger of Paradise sent. See whether I can blow through it with the free rental.
And, of course, still Elden Ring.
@Royalblues you’ll be fine! If you hit a wall it’s most likely bc you’re under leveled and/or with underleveled weapons or improper scaling. Once you get the Mimic Tear and upgrade him the game difficulty becomes pretty trivial up until the last boss
@Dezzy70 village is awesome, you’re in for a real treat!
Not sure. Been having trouble getting into anything since I finished up Elden Ring. I played a few more chapters in Yakuza 0 but it’s just not hitting the spot right now. I downloaded Tales From The Borderlands…might run through that this weekend and upcoming week as a nice, chill, guided gaming experience.
I also need to do some reading.
I downloaded NBA 2K but as soon as I realized an account needed to be created I immediately Uninstall it.
Also I deleted Life is strange cause it was becoming a drag (specially that part where you play a role game with the kid...I just I couldn't take it anymore)
So.... I'll probably play a bit of Fifa and weird west, perhaps some mad max as well
@everynowandben agree evil within 2 is awesome
Diablo 3 still
Currently at the end of lost in random starting playing that game bc I'm stuck with the annoying spider lady in evil within and also stuck I dead cells boss so lost in random is definitely stress free game
@Royalblues Definitely envy your weekend.
Been waiting for it to come up in the sale on Xbox
And also had £10 credit so got it for £17.
Hopefully it will be download by tomorrow.
Built up enough MS Rewards points last month that I got one of the $10 gift cards so I bought Lumines Live. Can't believe I waited so long because I've always liked the other Lumines games I played.
I'll be playing Monster Hunter World Iceborne. I tried Bugsnax but finding it a bit dull.
Q) What Xbox games are you playing this weekend?
A) I've been playing Rogue Legacy 2 every day since it came out (well, except Sunday; had too much going on). It's been an absolute delight to play though a little awkward with a Duke controller.
Also, I'm a bit late in saying this, but I hope you had fun with Yoku's Island Express, Fraser! I had a lovely time with the unique pinball adventure so I hope you did as well.
7d2d on PC
ESO on Xbox
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