The big Xbox Game Pass release of this week has undoubtedly been Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, which arrived this past Thursday, and it got off to a great start with the critics prior to its release.
Here at Pure Xbox, we gave TMNT: Shredder's Revenge an "Excellent" 9/10 review score, describing it as "a lovingly crafted and supremely entertaining return to the glory days of early 1990s Turtles action".
But what about you? Hopefully you've had a chance to play it by now (or you will this weekend), and we're interested to know how you're feeling after a few hours with it. What score would you give it so far? Tell us down below!
What score would you give TMNT: Shredder's Revenge? Let us know in the poll & comments!
Comments 31
7/10 very enjoyable game. Half way through will be finishing the game later today
Unfortunately I’ve been so busy that I’ve had little to no free time the past week and a half. I’ll try to give it a go this Sunday. Glad to hear everyone is enjoying it and it seems like it’s a great time!
Its a better version of an old game. Nothing special at all. Better graphics and controls, but still and old school game. I scored it a 7 because it is good, but its not great or anything. Gets very repetitive and boring the longer you play it.
It's Brilliant if you grew up watching the TMNT cartoon, played the old Konami games or enjoyed the old movies. I give it a 9
Hard to score as what it sets out to do, the game it’s trying to be, it does very well. But after removing all nostalgia from the equation…I reckon I’d give it a 7.
I feel like the gameplay loop of spamming the attack button followed by the ‘emote’ button…followed by releasing your special…gets a little tiresome. This is the type of game that’s great for short bursts…like the majority of us would experience at an arcade. Hours of nonstop play doesn’t show it ‘weaknesses’ but does show its limitations. There’s not many moves that can be done. Not much in the way of interactive scenery to keep stages feeling fresh.
This is a great little party game though. Solid 7.
As a TMNT head and beat 'em up aficionado it's impossible to give this any less than a 9.
I enjoyed river city girls (silly and funny) story, upgradeable characters (moves and equipment), and cameo more, but I still like this game, if I got to gave this game a score, I think it's a 8.5
@BBB thats a fare assesment, as the first thing i did was call my child hood friend and said get yoru ass overhere shedder is back and we need to put him down again....his response "time to come out of retirement?, damn im getting to old for this ***** but lets do it" this is the game me and him played when we had sleepovers as kids in the 90s when we were like 8 pausing the NES when our parents forced us to go to sleep....and hoping when you woke up the system wasnt frozen......
The game is honestly fantastic. I’d give the game a 9, maybe 9.5/10. Even without nostalgia, it’s the best beat ‘em up I’ve played in some time. It gets the most out of its limitations and has really fluid combat. I enjoy it more than Streets of Rage 4, which is also a high water mark for the genre. On top of that, it adds another dimension in being a fun party game that pretty much anyone can pick up and play. The visuals and audio are colorful and pop as well. It’s simply one of the best retro stylized titles for some time.
But then, past the great gameplay, there’s the nostalgia, which makes the game an absolute joy. It’s such a fun world to revisit decades later, and the game sticks so true to its source that I want to stand up and applaud the title. The nostalgia bumps it from a 9 to a 9.5, but I’m ok with that.
Simply put, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is absolutely one of the finest games this year.
8/10... I'm not experienced with beat 'em ups, but I've been enjoying it... love the aesthetic, gameplay is great fun.
The only things bringing it down a peg for me, there've been times where it feels impossible to avoid a hit, and some of the voice acting is a little rough.
Guys, it's been at the same time a joyride and a trip down the memory lane. Let me share it with you: growing up poor, in a country where videogames are a luxury, I can remember going to arcades just to WATCH guys play; eventually, when I got a coin, it'd be over so quickly that I'd go back home bummed, to say the least. Now, to be able to finally PLAY it, as one of the guys, is honestly awesome. Have you people ever experienced this in gaming? It feels sweet!
It's the best turtles game / beat'em up game I've ever played.
Really enjoyable but very short, I finished the campaign including all the collectibles in less than 3 hours last night. Fun 3 hours though
@somnambulance indeed, friend: one of the finest games of the year. And again: if not for Gamepass, probably I'd let it pass me by.
I love everything about it, responsive controls, a variety of animations and moves you can do, vibrant artistic style, and a fantastic soundtrack.
Unfortunately the problem with a game like this is that it will feel stale after a couple of playthroughs.
I'd like to see a modern take on a beat em up. With character updates and seasons, so that the game always stays fresh.
I would say a solid 7, because it does what it does very well, but what it does just feels really dated these days.
8/10 for me. If it was a bit longer, I’d rate it higher. I know the game has a lot of content via unlocks and hidden stuff but not sure how many times I will be playing it.
This is likely a game I’ll play again every year or so. I guess that means I’ll have to buy it 😅
Talking about buying it… what’s the deal with the Cowabonga collection? Is it not out yet? I thought it was meant to come out in March or may but it’s listed as unavailable in the Xbox store.
Love it. Love it. Love it. Bought on switch for on the go and downloaded it on gamepass for achievements. 9/10. Me and my son loving it.
The only answer is Excellent. There would have been more 10’s if 10 were “Cowabunga”.
8/10 for me, hac some cracking fun playing local coop with a mate. Art style and the chaos on screen are a lot of fun, well worth checking out
I love the game and it’s almost everything I want in a TMNT game. The only issue I have with it is that the arcade mode is waaaay too long.
Played a bit with my boys, we're on lvl 8 i think? It's been fun.
I love how the poll tells me i didn't select an answer...when i did. i gave it a 10/10
best game i've played so far in 2022
I gave it a 9/10. The music, gameplay, levels, characters and "story" are just so amazing. One of my favorite games in a while.
8 great. Hits the nostalgic notes for me but too easy in co op.
I’d give it a Ferrari.
Now you might be saying, but SoulChimera, what do you mean by that? Are you saying it’s going to be as iconic as a Ferrari F40? Are you saying it would be in first place but not for a few mistakes or technical issues like the Formula 1 team? Are you saying it’s an aesthetic masterpiece like Lolo Ferrari?
Who can say. But I think we can all agree that’s it better than eating a jar of mayonnaise.
I played it through with a friend online last night. Had a great time despite a few bugs that meant we had to replay a few levels. Really enjoyed it though!
Amazing game
What fun!
8/10 is well deserved as a great game.
I cant really consider higher for an old school 2d brawler, but in terms of such brawlers, its as good a game as you could want for the type and certainly put a smile on my face!
Anyone run into any crashes in the game? I played without any issues last night and today the game crashed like 5 times in a row ok lvl 9. Did a system restart and no change, kids n i had to give up on the game for the night... pretty disappointing.
I knew people would say it felt “dated”.
No micro transactions, No DLC, was a complete game on day one, it allows you to play it and enjoy it and does disrespect your time. It’s fun and addictive and has that one more go feeling.
I wish it could have demanded more cash off me instantly…. Lol
9 out of 10 from me
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