In this latest round of Pick One, we're looking at Xbox's enormous upcoming slate of Xbox Game Pass offerings as the service hits five years of age. For the rest of 2022 alone we've got some huge day one arrivals, including As Dusk Falls, Turbo Golf Racing, Two Point Campus, Warhammer 40k: Darktide, A Plague Tale: Requiem, Scorn, Atomic Heart and much more besides.
Then, there's 2023's confirmed additions, including Redfall, Starfield, Stalker 2, Forza Motorsport and more. So, which from this curated list are you most excited about coming to Game Pass on day one?
Let's take a look:
Let us know in the comments if you're excited about one we missed off!
Remember that we're offering 10% off all Xbox Game Pass subscriptions at the Pure Xbox store throughout June 2022. See the full range here, or stock up below – remember to use code PXBOX10 at checkout to secure your discount!
Comments 40
This should had been a “pick 3”, little else has a chance against Starfield.
High On Life. By far the best thing on show during the XB/B presser for me, it was giving me vibes of the original version of Prey 2.
Starfield, redfall, forza, stalker 2, pentiment, Valheim, Grounded 1.0, A Plaques Tale, Scorn, Atomic Heart, and High on Life I am looking forward too. Great list of games coming out the next 12 months!
Atomic Heart!
Cannot wait to get into it!
Silksong by far! Looks like everything I'd want from a Hollow Knight follow up. Just need that release date!
Plaques Tale 2 is probably second place. First one simple had great characters that carried the experience and I'm looking forward to see what the duo are up to next.
Pentiment, Atomic Hearts and Velheim are honourable mentions.
Quite a few here I'm interested in - although Starfield is perhaps the one I'm most excited for. Atomic Heart looks interesting and definitely want to play Stalker 2 as well. I also want to play Redfall and Forza too and want to check out Scorn for its artwork. As for the rest, Warhammer: Darktide, Plague Tale: Requiem and High on Life are games I may try too but I doubt I'll try others as it stands right now...
I really really need to finish the first Plague Tale. That will happen before Requiem comes out.
I wasn't too interested in Redfall until that last Showcase so I'm looking forward to that.
As Dusk Falls looks very interesting.
I am being cautiously optimistic about Starfield. I hope it's amazing!
Atomic Heart.
Please be awesome, please be awesome.
Because it looks like it's going to be awesome !!
Forza > Plague > Starfield
@Kopite yeah definitely the best new reveal from the showcase.
High on life by far 😌👌🏻
Atomic Heart. I know what to expect from Starfield and Silksong. I still have to go back and give A Plague Tale an honest shot (I just wasn’t in the headspace for it last time I tried it, perhaps?), but Atomic Heart… I have no idea what to expect. It looks fantastic, but will it be? I’m ready to find out!
I feel like including Starfield isn't fair.
The beauty of game pass is you dont need to just pick one. As Dusk Falls, A Plague Tale Requiem, Scorn, High On Life, Pentiment, Slime Rancher 2, Starfield, Redfall, Stalker 2, Hollow Knight. What a list and unbeatable value for the subscription. Proud to own the Series X and the team are smashing it 👏
High On Life for me.
Found Forza 7 a snooze, but will definitely be giving Motorsport a chance.
Got a horrible feeling that people may be setting expectations too high for Starfield, leading to inevitable disappointment... would be happy to be wrong about this though.
It's got to be starfield for me, I'm not even expecting it to be the best game but I still remember when people was whispering about "space elder scrolls" in the 360 era and how it basically died because of Fallout. To be here and (eventually) playing it feels like some alternate universe thing, like I should be playing it on the Nintendo Xbox or something.
1. Atomic Heart
2. Silksong
3. Starfield
Silksong and it isn’t even a contest
Pentiment looks great. I hope it has historical fidelity
Slime Rancher 2
Loved the first one. Can’t wait to play the second.
This really should be a pick 3 poll. I had to choose High on Life simply because of the surprise factor and how good it looks, but I'm also really excited for Atomic Heart. Starfield has my interest, though probably not as much as others on this list.
@MetalGear_Yoshi from what they showed at the Xbox showcase I don't think it looks like the amazing goty game it's being hyped up to be but we'll see
In order of awesomeness in my eyes top 5 are:
High on Life
As Dusk Falls
Atomic Heart
Plagues Tale
Forza will be crazy and I'll play it but I'm not a sim racer so not expecting to stick with it. Starfield is a bit scary due to it's size....yes size does matter. Stalker 2 was almost in the top 5 and my oldest is pumped for Slimerancher 2. Minecraft legends will be something I can hopefully couch co-op with the kids.
Hopefully everyone has something they want out of the list
I’m looking forward to Two Point Campus, Slime Rancher 2, Silksong, and Starfield.
Im looking forward to Starfiled but the recent videos are not filling me with confidence... mainly the combat it looked very average. So excited for Forza think this will be another showcase for the Xbox
Gotta give my vote to Texas Chainsaw massacre, trailer had be legit excited for a multilayer game- and I don't do mp games.
Warhammer 40k darktide
Stalker 2
Valheim (Console)
Atomic Heart
High in life
Forza, Starfield, Stalker 2 and Scorn for me. It’s going to be a great next twelve months!
Redfall for me I love Armand games. Really hope deathloop is on gamepass this year like the rumors say. I specifically didn’t buy it for my ps5 and waited lol
@Kopite Same for me looking forward to play high on life
Dark tide caught my eye.
Plauges tale 2 will be good, the first was a good game.
Im as intrigued by Starfield as anyone, but thats set up for a huge fall l, and the studio is not known for delivering polished code, so I think this one will let a lot of people down, but I hope not.
Motorsport looks great, but im still sulking theirs no gyro in the controller 😊
Plenty to look forward too, s9mething for everyone. I game elsewhere too, so plenty of options to fill in the gaps for me..
Forza Motorsport - I've not played a Forza game since FM3.
Grounded - Loved Psychonauts 2. Looking forward to the charm of Grounded.
Hollow Knight: Silksong - First was a classic so no-brainer.
Atomic heart look promising, they said over 630.000 manhours went in the development of this game at a earlier date, so hope it pans out to be an incredible game, just a bit curious this being a russian developer, not getting into trouble in the current geopolitical climate... but hey I hope not, keep gaming out of it as much as possible....
Persona 3,4 & 5 should have been on this list.
As Dusk Falls, Two Point Campus and Pentiment caught my eye for 2022.
Next year I am curious about Forza and Starfield
Forza Motorsport
A Plague Tale: Requiem
High On Life
Really surprised Plague Tale is neck and neck with Forza in the poll, didn't realise it was that popular.
Great to see Atomic Heart get some loving!
1. Forza Motorsport
2. Atomic Heart
3. Redfall
4. As Dusk Falls
5. Starfield
Hollow Knight: Silksong and, to a lesser extent, Starfield.
None of the others appeal to me at all.
1. Forza
2. Forza
3. Forza
I want the new Forza!
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